Norra Mirosevic

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Norra Mirosevic

Jewelry Designer, Beach Glass Artist

Victoria, BC

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"I love the sea & enjoy the privilege of creating west coast art. I am self taught and have worked as an artist in Victoria for 30 years.

I enjoyed working with sea glass over the past 25 years and passionately created beautiful one of a kind sea-glass artwork. Unfortunately, sea-glass is so scarce now because so little glass is tossed into the ocean to create the soft looking beautiful treasures in the sand I used to find in abundance.... I was left to search for a new medium.

I have switched to a sustainable medium I find is boundless as an artist and I can also integrate my remaining sea-glass collection into some of my art. I am loving the way most varieties of wood can combine with resin. I am proud to offer eco friendly resin as a gorgeous medium to create beautiful west coast functional art and beautify the world around me."
- Norra Mirosevic -