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Wood • Wood Turning

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Woodturning is a form of woodworking that is used to create wooden objects on a machine called a lathe. Woodturning is different from other forms of woodworking because the wood is moving while a stationary tool is used to cut and shape it. Many intricate shapes and designs can be made by turning wood. There are two distinct methods of woodturning.

Faceplate turning is the method of choice for wood workers creating such items as platters, bowls and vases. In this process, the wood grain runs vertical to the rotation of the lathe.

Spindle turning is a process that involves using wood where the grain runs in the same direction as the lathe bed. Items such as table legs, spindles for beds, and legs for chairs are examples of woodturned objects that are created using spindle turning.



Sold OutBuddha Meditation

Buddha Meditation

Artist: Frank Hiebert

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Goddess Maple Birdseye Burl

Goddess Maple Birdseye Burl

Artist: Frank Hiebert

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Maple & Walnut Bowl

Maple & Walnut Bowl

List price: $150.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

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Cherry Bowl with Edging

Cherry Bowl with Edging

List price: $95.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

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Maple and Walnut Checkered Plate

Maple and Walnut Checkered Plate

List price: $140.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

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Garry Oak Bowl

Garry Oak Bowl

List price: $130.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Maple, Walnut, & Purpleheart Plate

Maple, Walnut, & Purpleheart Plate

List price: $160.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Myrtle Wood Bowl

Myrtle Wood Bowl

List price: $150.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Lidded Figured Maple Bowl

Lidded Figured Maple Bowl

List price: $290.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Figured Maple Plate

Figured Maple Plate

List price: $150.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Maple, Cherry & Wenge Wood Plate

Maple, Cherry & Wenge Wood Plate

List price: $130.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Segmented Cherry & Walnut Bowl

Segmented Cherry & Walnut Bowl

List price: $90.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Segented Walnut & Maple Bowl

Segented Walnut & Maple Bowl

List price: $90.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Checkerboard Segmented Plate

Checkerboard Segmented Plate

List price: $175.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Square Maple Bowl

Square Maple Bowl

List price: $140.00
Artist: Randy Nattress

Maple & Rosewood Lidded Vase

Maple & Rosewood Lidded Vase

List price: $250.00
Artist: Frank Hiebert
Available: Ucluelet

Sold OutLace Work Maple Platter

Lace Work Maple Platter

Artist: Frank Hiebert
Available: Ucluelet

Golden Platter

Golden Platter

List price: $225.00
Artist: Frank Hiebert
Available: Ucluelet

Sold OutFractal Globe

Fractal Globe

Artist: Frank Hiebert
Available: Ucluelet

Segmented Maple Vase

Segmented Maple Vase

List price: $250.00
Artist: Frank Hiebert
Available: Ucluelet

NewCribbage Board

Cribbage Board

List price: $279.00
Artist: Frank Hiebert

Carved Rim Zelcova Salad Bowl

Carved Rim Zelcova Salad Bowl

List price: $280.00
Artist: Niel Stoutenburg

Carved Wild Cherry Bowl

Carved Wild Cherry Bowl

List price: $425.00
Artist: Niel Stoutenburg

Great Big Beautiful Blue

Great Big Beautiful Blue

List price: $650.00
Artist: Niel Stoutenburg

Painted Birch Vessel

Painted Birch Vessel

List price: $200.00
Artist: Niel Stoutenburg

Black Band Birch Bowl

Black Band Birch Bowl

List price: $200.00
Artist: Niel Stoutenburg

NewRainforest Moments-Peace

Rainforest Moments-Peace

List price: $800.00
Artist: Courtney Powell